Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's Okay to Cry.

Hey my friends! Apparently I haven't posted since March, which I know is terrible, but it's better than when I was expecting (last year, for example haha). For those of you who don't know, I go to a community college. My English teacher likes to challenge our beliefs -- and I always plan on returning that favor in my papers! Anyways, here is just a little something I came across and absolutely love. So I hope you guys enjoy this! (P.S. I'll try to write more honest, but let's be honest: I'M A PROCRASTINATOR. In fact, I'm procrastinating right now. But seriously I will try harder ...)

"I want to close on this and ask you this really just very simply. Have you ever just really cried out to Christ? You know you don’t have to hang back. He says, ‘Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace’. You’re not going to be turned away when you cry out to him. When you cry out you’ll find mercy for your sins, for your misery and you will find grace to help in time of need. I can guarantee you, by all the power of the testimony of the Spirit in his word, that when you cry out to Christ, he will hear you. Though all earthly friends disown and forsake you he will not. Though everything is stripped away from you he will not be taken
away. He will not take himself away and there will come a time, perhaps sooner, perhaps later, when we will have no earthly strength left, where all our bank accounts and anything else will mean nothing. Within an inch of our life we’ll be drawing our last breath. At that point, I suggest that the Priesthood of Christ will mean more to us than we could ever imagine. The great Shepherd-King knows his sheep and he calls us by name even through the valley of the darkness, to bring us to his Father’s kingdom." -- Rev. Dr. Noel Due, Baptist Pastor. [Due, Noel. “Christ Ascended for Us – ‘Jesus Ascended High Priest.’” Evangel Vol. 25 Issue 2 (Summer 2007): 58. EBSCOhost. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.]

Love you all! Remember, it's OKAY to cry. Xoxo. 

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